Build Smart on Kubernetes Hands-on Learning Journey

3 min readSep 28, 2020


Recently, I was given the opportunity to speak at BSOK Hands-on Learning Journey. The conference lasted for 3 days, 15–17 September, in which we introduced the attendees to Red Hat OpenShift with a series of virtual workshops throughout these 3 days.

The event aimed to help the audience jumpstart on their understanding and experience of application development on Kubernetes featuring Red Hat OpenShift. Starting with an exploration of containers, then rapidly moved into a series of hands-on experiences that demonstrated why OpenShift is a rich, enterprise Kubernetes platform for the development of cloud-native applications.

Each day was structured in a way in which we start by introducing the topic of the day, then a hands-on session on the same topic, then the day would end with office hours to interact more with the audience and answer any remaining questions.

The first day kicked off with Nigel Brown, a fellow Developer Advocate at IBM, who introduced the concepts of containers, how they work, and how they became dominant in modern-day deployment. Then he spoke about orchestration and Kubernetes with a demo of deploying an application to a Kubernetes cluster. And finally, he introduced hands-on with OpenShift walking through the dashboard and working through the process of deploying and maintaining an app with OpenShift.

On the second day, Nigel introduced Operators and OperatorHub at OpenShift where he explained how they work, how to use them, and how to create Operators. The hands-on extended the application from day 1 with IBM Cloud Operator.

On the last day, the workshop started with an interesting and awesome conversation between Nigel & Jj Asghar who talked about DevOps, CI/CD & OpenShift Pipelines. Then, it was my turn to present, in which I did a little recap to Nigel & Jj’s conversation, explained concepts about Cloud-native DevOps & OpenShift pipelines and how they work then I demonstrated the hands-on segment which was about building a CI/CD pipelines on Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

I would like to say that it was a delightful experience! It was so much fun being part of the event, we had many amazing attendees, and it was awesome to present it live and interact with everyone where they showed interest in the sessions and were interested to even learn more.

Big thanks to the team who worked on organizing the event and making it a successful one! It was really a pleasure to be a part of this big event!

In case you have missed the conference, don’t worry! You can watch the replays of all sessions here.

If you would like to get started with OpenShift and read more, check out my OpenShift 101 blog series at in which I wrote about the platform, web console, Operators & OpenShift pipelines.




Cloud Platform Engineer at IBM | Hybrid Cloud, DevOps, Kubernetes, OpenShift | Women in Tech